Thursday, 23 May 2013


For my flash project, I wanted to create another prototype/ animation for my final project using the panda character again.  I drew all the images and fonts then scanned them, photoshopped them, then imported them to flash.  I created an avoiding game, where it is raining skulls and the panda has to avoid them or he will die.  The skulls are set at different speeds and get faster each time they leave the screen.  If the panda gets hit he will die.  I also downloaded a screaming sound from "" that will play when the panda is hit.
To play the game check out my website!

Here is the code for scene 1 And the code for scene 2 "Dead Panda"

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Arduino Project

Mario Arduino from Eva Daly on Vimeo.
For this project I used super bright LEDs which would play in sync to the Mario theme which I downloaded from the Arduino website, the theme is being played through a piezo speaker. I assigned each LED 2 notes, so anytime the note in the melody played the LED would flash. I then used the potentiometer to control the tempo. Here is my code.

Staged Photography

In early April I went to the creative arts festival  OFFSET, where various artists, designers, illustrators and photographers came and gave presentations about their work.  I noticed a trend that a lot of designers where using staged photography in their work, using handmade objects in natural settings for example HVASS&HANNIBAL who mage an oragami sphere and hung it in the woods, it was then made into an album cover.

So I decided I would try an experiment with some staged photography myself.  I wouldn't have the patience or the time to construct something quite as interesting as an oragami sphere so I improvised!
I bought some second hand clothes of different colours and textures and ripped them to shreds, then tied them around a wooden box.  I thought it might create a nice contrast of colours and textures.  Heres a couple of shots of what i did!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Arduino hacking in the dark!

Nearly finished my Arduino project, just wanted to upload a quick video of where I'm at now.  I've assigned the LEDs two notes each so they will light up when the are is played.  The music is being played through a piezo speaker. Next step is to make it interactive, and make it a little more aesthetically pleasing!

Mario Theme on Arduino

Mario Theme on Arduino with LEDs from Eva Daly on Vimeo.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Prototype - Animata

Here are some of my attempts using animata, they are not the most elegant animations, but I'm just trying to feel out the software for now!

First attempt, trying to animate a panda arm.
Animating a panda arm using the software animata. from Eva Daly on Vimeo.

Second attempt, "Never Alone"

Spider leg, animata from Eva Daly on Vimeo.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Prototype - Low Fidelity - Sketches /Storyboard

For my final project I decided I would create an art installation where the viewer would animate and manipulate the movements of characters on a projected surface with a kinect.  After deciding upon the concept and technologies I will use (Animata and Max Msp) I needed to think about the project more in depth.
What characters will I use?
How will they move? 
How will I incorporate sound?

I made sketches of four different scenarios.

1 "Oh deer what can the matter be."

Girls head, dears coming out of it, resembling a plaque.

Using a kinect, when you move your head from right to left the girls head will do the same.  When you lift your arms you will be able to control the deer heads.  The deers will turn towards and away from  each other.

I want the girl to be humming a childrens song of key, to create an eerie atmosphere.  I want the deers to be able to talk to each other, when one head is turned to the other it will speak, when both the heads are turned to each other they both speak.  However the dears will be speakng backwards for an extra sinister feel.

2 "Never alone"

Innocent deer creature, with a spider alien bursting out of it's chest.

The user will be able to move the head of the deer with there own.  The spider leg will be controlled by the users arm.  The joints of the spider leg will be the same as a human arm.

When the joints of the spider leg move it will make creeking noises like an old door hinge in a haunted house.

3 " Fizzy lil fish"

Hungry shark and disgruntled fish.

The fish would be on a continuos loop flying though the air. The user would be able to control the shark by jumping up and down, so it would appear the shark is bobbing up and down trying to catch the fish.

Constant sounds of water/the sea and splashing noises when the shark moves up and down.

4 "When a panda meets a skull" 
(the name is terrible, can't think of anything better right now, so that'll have to do!)

Walking panda and a talking skull.  The idea is; when the panda gets close to the skull it will start to talk.

The user will be able to manipulate the pandas movements with their own body, head, arms and legs making him walk/shuffle from side to side.

The panda will make big stomping sounds when it walks.  When it gets close enough to the skull it will start to talk.  I'm not sure what the skull is gong to say yet or how its going to sound but it won't be very pleasant!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

"Fill in the Gap" Exhibition in the hunt Museum

Finally have my pieces for the Hunt Museum exhibition in frames! I decided upon getting fluorescent coloured frames, I really liked the idea of having quite garish colours in with the permanent collection, which is very am.... not fluorescent! I'm very happy with the result the frames definitely add to the pieces.

Piece 1: ”Queen Of Hearts”
Piece 2: “Shake It”

”Queen Of Hearts”
 Original sreenprints, editition ¼.  Acryllic printed on Fabriano.
“Shake It”
Original sreenprints, editition ¼.  Acryllic printed on Fabriano.

Artist Statement
I wanted to create piece coinciding with the Henry Moore sketches.  With the idea "fill in in the gap", in mind I was looking at the pieces as unfinished and essentially needing filling in.  
I wanted to take the pieces and transform them into something entirely new and contemporary, giving them a Pop Art/ Low-brow twist. Considering Andy Warhol’s motif of turning pop culture into fine art, I want to turn Fine art into pop culture, turning classical sketches into nauseatingly bright and colourful screenprints.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

PANDA DANCE!! Processing and Pure Data

PANDA DANCE! from Eva Daly on Vimeo.

I created my visuals through Processing. I scaled the data between 1-0 which ment if I wanted the colour of the ellipses to change, It would be multiplied 255.  Processing then recieved messages from pure data.
I drew ellipses into processing that would change position, with different frequency that were being sent from pure data.  I also assigned different coloured backgrounds to the different frequency.  I then imported images I had drawn, scanned, then photoshoped.  Different images would also appear at different frequency to make it appear as if the panda was dancing in time with the music. 

Pure Data

                    Above are the different frequencies being sent form Pure Data to Processing.

Music Loaded in Pure Data "Put on your dancing shoes" by Arctic Monkeys.

Here is the code for Processing.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Outdoor Installation "Lets Get it Poppin'!"

 The theme for our outdoor installation, for our contemporary art class, was UL40. UL40 is a celebration of the Universities 40 years in business and to honour the achievements and accomplishments of both teachers and students. UL40 also inspires yet another 40 years of rich possibilities here at UL.
 For the assignment Leslie Carboinnier and I teamed up for the project. We wanted to create something quite playful, colourful and above all something joyful that would mirror the ethos of UL40.
 Firstly we investigated the Plaza in UL, where our class exhibition was taking place. We documented where there was the greatest amount of foot traffic, where were the most visible spots and also it was important to take into account where we could place an installation without obstructing anyone. After our observations we decided upon the lawn directly in front of the main building and to the left of the library. Firstly this spot was very visible from the plaza, the steps leading to the computer science building and to those sitting in the library. What I liked most about the lawn was the element of trees and grass which would give our installation a more whimsical feel.
 For our installation we went with our first instinct. Which was to create 40 balloon sculptures in an array of bright, cheerful colours. The balloons were to be attached to abstract shapes to appear as if they were being lifted off the ground. The sculptures were meant to represent the diversity of students and teachers from different backgrounds and to celebrate all of their accomplishments and contributions.
We decided to call the installation; Let's get it poppin'!

The Construction Process
We decided upon paper maché sculptures for the balloons, and attaching them to bamboo sticks, that we hoped would give the illusion of balloons tied to string.  For the bases we made abstract and shapes from salt dough, which consists of salt, flour and water.  It has a similar consistency to clay is quite heavy, which would make a steady base.  To protect the salt dough and paper maché from the elements we spray painted then varnished them.  The construction process was quite time comsumering as a lot to thought and care went into building each of the salt dough bases, we also decided upon building many individual sculptures


Unfortunately some of our bases where not steady enough to support the bamboo and paper maché balloons, but our solution to this was to simply stick the bamboo into the soil and place the extra bases sporadically around the installation.  We also had to settle with 22 sculptures but we felt it didn't effect the message we wanted to convey and there were enough to have a strong impact visually.
Another problem we faced, was the weather!  We were not expecting the 40km winds that came bustling our way, but fortunately and surprisingly our installation stayed standing through the harsh elements.  They were a little beat up at the end but they did us proud and stood strong!

Overall I was very pleased with the outcome the colors really stood out and our installation garnered a lot of attention.  If we were to do it again I'd invest in much stronger materials but for a pop up installation, it did it's job!